Mt Hood on the horizon wasn’t enough. I demanded the moon be its companion of scale…
In creating the voice for this new blog, I first needed to convince myself the effort was necessary. Creating the voice? Blogging is conversation, yes? How else would one be conversant if not with her own voice?
Ah, but what about tone, delivery, personality and humor? And how does each of these qualities impact the conversation with one’s chosen audience?
I truly don’t want to over-think this and, in fact I’m not certain I want to think about it at all. But there is a driver here. An important opportunity at the beginning of a project to create it in as much detail as I wish.
What else would I wish for? Poetry. As either a complement or a contrast to the content of the post . Or perhaps with no relevance to the post whatsoever. Weaving a line of story-telling into the growth of a professional skill set. After all, it’s not an academic blog. More creative form. More ease in the writing.
Well, now that was worthwhile, wasn’t it?