We gain daily insight into the work we choose by stepping outside our own pre-conceived boundaries. Stepping into a completely new medium – video – to educate our guests on the uniquely special qualities of artisan panettone has provided exactly such insight.

Candidly, I would never have imagined being the creator-narrator of a professionally produced video on Essential Confection’s flagship product, Essential Panettone. Nonetheless, my partner and I filmed the final shots at the Willamette Falls Media Center on Fri. Only now remaining is the painstaking editing and skillful assembly of the final shots.

My previously imagined boundaries certainly never included knowing how to speak to a camera, how to use a teleprompter or how to effectively use my hands to enhance language. The nervous hesitation of publicly representing a product of my own creation has evolved into a newly discovered confidence, and a skill set to be nourished and refined going forward.

Look for the fruit of our labor this week as the Essential Panettone order window opens on 23-Oct.

Please join us.

